After the tragedy of the Sandy Hook shooting, Shannon Watts was moved to start the Moms Demand Action Facebook group to call all Americans to do more to reduce gun violence. With a 6 million supporters and a chapter in every state, Shannon continues to be an advocate for this cause.  She is also a board member for Emerge America, which recruits and trains women to run for office. Join Shannon and Alaa as they discuss this and more.

Being At The Table means:

“If you don't have a seat at the table, you are probably on the menu. And too often in this country, women and children are on the menu, because we don't have a seat at the table” – Shannon Watts

Highlights from the Conversation:

The influence that mothers have on lawmakers as the spending decision makers of the householdThe superhero power of the red shirtThe decrease of support from state senators on the NRA, due to the work of the groupThe correlation of domestic violence to gun violenceThe moral imperative of having women run for officeExploring the relationship between a sense of security and gun ownership The failure of the NRA to organize in the same way as the Moms Demand ActionThe creations of an anti-racist movement though the organizationAnd More…

About the Guest:

A mom herself, Shannon Watts is the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America—the nation’s largest grassroots gun violence prevention group, with chapters in all 50 states and a powerful network of volunteers and survivors that has successfully effected change at the local, state and national level.

About the Host:

Alaa Murabit is an award-winning medical doctor, global security strategist, women’s rights advocate and United Nations High-Level Commissioner on Health, Employment & Economic Growth and Sustainable Development Goal Global Advocate.

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