A few days late, Matthew and Ryan discuss Virgin Mobile rumors, Apple's new Wifigate, a Mac botnet, obligatory rumors, a warranty lawsuit, a patent troll, OS/2 Warp's celebration, rouge statistics, snakes in a what, and more.

A few days late, Matthew and Ryan discuss Virgin Mobile rumors, Apple's new Wifigate, a Mac botnet, obligatory rumors, a warranty lawsuit, a patent troll, OS/2 Warp's celebration, rouge statistics, snakes in a what, and more.

Matthew Petschl and Ryan Rampersad manage to throw a show together a show and talk about Wifigate, the Java-Mac virus, the words from the seer, the real review of Ryan’s new phone, more lawsuits galore, Yahoo versus Facebook, the OS/2 celebration and so much more!


Motorola Triumph Review
Report: HTC EVO 3D Getting Rebranded as ‘EVO V 4G’ for Virgin Mobile in 2012
Apple investigating new iPad WiFi issues, tells AppleCare to replace affected units
Apple Housing a 7.85-inch iPad in its Labs?
Apple loses AppleCare appeal in Italian court, must pay $1.2M fine and put notice on packages
Facebook Accuses Yahoo of Infringing on Patents
Here are the 10 patents Facebook is suing Yahoo with
Arizona Internet Censorship Bill So Ridiculous, Even The MPAA And RIAA Are Against It
Amazon experimenting with front-lit display for next Kindle
25 Years of IBM’s OS/2: The Strange Days and Surprising Afterlife of a Legendary Operating System
Foxconn Factory Video Hints at June Release for iPhone 5
Microsoft counted as key Linux contributor, for now anyway
The rise of e-reading
Exclusive: Sprint quietly CONFIRMS that their 4G LTE network will be “unlimited”
Instagram for Android hits 1m downloads in under 24 hours
Teen survey: 34% own an iPhone, 40% want one
iPhone users rely on Wi-Fi more than Android users
Next-gen console rumor roundup: Next Xbox may have 16-core CPU
No gun found after St. Paul College lockdown
Snakes in a School (PART 1)

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