Matthew Petschl and Ryan Rampersad discuss the new HP laptop in the studio, mail problems, new site designs and for the news, Apple's dividend and sales, HP's printer and PC divisions to converge, the Virgin Mobile outage, Windows 8 in October, new open source graphics drivers, a Twitter and GCC birthday and more At The Nexus.

Matthew Petschl and Ryan Rampersad discuss the new HP laptop in the studio, mail problems, new site designs and for the news, Apple's dividend and sales, HP's printer and PC divisions to converge, the Virgin Mobile outage, Windows 8 in October, new open source graphics drivers, a Twitter and GCC birthday and more At The Nexus.

Ryan Rampersad answered the call to a higher calling and plans to get new cell phone, he also talks about the big Virgin Mobile USA texting-data-phone black out. The mad quack Matt looks optimistic about Linux’s future with fantastic graphics drivers and 3D acceleration from newly invested interest from nVidia and AMD, while post-bribing Ryan into building a new portfolio page for him; all that and more!

– Description graciously supplied by Matthew and edited by Ryan


Ryan Rampersad’s blog
HP combines printer, PC units; Analysts question synergy
Virgin Mobile USA’s text and data services are out across the USA
Virgin Mobile USA service restored following nationwide outage

Apple Announces $11 Dividend And Share Buyback
Asymco: Apple’s Dividend
New iPad Tops Three Million
AMD Publishes Open-Source HD 7000, Trinity Code
Nvidia Jumps on Board with the Linux Foundation
Nvidia’s Kepler Architecture: 6 Things You Should Know
Microsoft Said to Finish Windows 8 in Summer, Debut October
Rumor: New iPhone to Have Larger 4.6-Inch Retina Display
Six-Year-Old Twitter Now Has 140M Active Users Sending 340M Tweets Per Day
FCC paves the way for a Dish 4G LTE network
Adobe Photoshop CS6 hands-on preview
Linux kernel 3.3 released with merged Android code and more
Firefox To Use Google Secure Search By Default; Expect More “Not Provided” Keywords To Follow
Facebook Is Said to Buy 750 IBM Patents to Boost Defenses
Julian Assange to run for Australian senate

Last Week’s Recap Links

The Nexus Tablet?
Microsoft Said to Plan Debut of New Xbox in 2013 at Earliest
China Will Not Issue 4G Licenses for Another 2 to 3 Years, Says Official
iPhone 4G – But Not Really New Hardware
AOL Won’t Kill Instant Messenger
Firefox 11 (Finally) Adds Add-On Sync, Solves Add-On Compatibility Issues
Microsoft Office 15 Preview

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