
Yes it's been a while, but NO, they have not quit trying! Today it's an exercise in marginal sound quality as the boys venture out into the world for supplies, then venture into deep intellectual waters (or not) regarding Jody's nominal topic: PROGRESS??

Fake Follow Up

Matt has not yet reached "peak testing", but he can't be far off.
Jody is determined to lose 10lbs
Since beginning of March 2016, he's been running 3-miles, 3-times per week
Phife Dog from A Tribe Called Quest dead at age 42 from diabetes complications
And Prince! video from George Harrison tribute
Who's the 3rd in the cluster? China the wrestler?
John Oliver covers Puerto Rico's budget crisis

Matt cited some Bigiest Loser research
Matt's at 32 runs for the year
New side-project for Jody: Minecraft as a service!
Large Hadron Collider has weasel problems

Real Follow Up

Matt lands his hard-science research fellowship!
egg crate foam machine
3D printable magnets!

Jody's Non-Scary Topic: Progress?

Have computers made any difference or is overall productivity still the same?
Baader-Meinhoff phenomenon
xkcd, should I automate this?
Matt heard on NPR that productivity is down...
Jody mentioned accessing Britney Spears' medical records
It's not a random example, her records were accessed without authorization
MS Twitter-bot, Tay, went a bit sideways
Frinkiac, the Simpsons search engine
That's can check your memory of your favorite Simpsons episode whenever you feel the need!

After Dark

A certain pharmacy no longer sells cigarettes