This week we SWAP ROLES. Chris teaches Jess about something he loves that she knows nothing about — Tom Cruise's Edge of Tomorrow (2014) — and this time we give Producer Jenny A MIC (despite her very tender sore throat), featuring an Astro Probe with Samira Winter of LA-based band Winter.

Find this month's Virgo season playlist on our website under Astro Jams, or on Spotify / Apple Music.

This week's advice: 
1. What is an N Node? And how do people with heavy Libra learn to stop focusing on pleasing everyone?
2. How can I learn to show emotion while still keeping things in harmony with others?
3. Jenny attempts to ask Jess and Chris for advice :/ 

Need advice? Write to us at our website or email us and we may give u answers in the next ep:
[email protected]

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@astroblasting on twitter
@astroblasting on instagram

Astro Blast is produced by Jenny Owen Youngs
Art by Chris Farren
Theme song by Jess Abbott, Chris Farren, Jenny Owen Youngs

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