Soulpreneur relatives, are you seeking to have a more holistic relationship with your body? Have you ever wondered if massage therapy really works & how it can help your body come into a deeper state of coherence? Have you ever heard of structural integration?

In today's Astrid Mueller Talks feature, I talk with licensed massage therapist and structural integrator, Athenia Large. Athenia lives here on Kodiak Island, Alaska! She is a guiding light for our community and holds incredible wisdom in respect to the world of structural integration. The work that she does and knowledge she carries is very valuable. Her work allows her clients to come into a more coherent state of being with their bodies. Typically, we think of massage therapy as focusing/treating solely the physical pain or symptoms. Taking a different approach, Athenia’s practice of structural integration acknowledges the body as an entire system. This reminds the body to operate in a state of harmony.

Key points in this episode:

How Athenia made her way, synchronistically, to Kodiak Island Structural integration vs. massage therapy Looking at the body as an integrated system and treating it from that perspective How structural integration came into being as a modality Reasons that Athenia chose her career path Challenges to owning a remote business as a massage therapist/structural integrator Lessons learned on Athenia’s path Athenia’s book inspirations and recommendations And so much more!

Listen in this week, to learn more about structural integration, in depth and via Athenia’s expertise as a student, practitioner, and remote business owner!