Soulpreneur relatives, do you struggle with balancing the logical side of life with your dreams and visions for your future? Are you someone who is under large amounts of stress for a long period of time? Are you looking for ways to expand past limiting beliefs of yourself?

In today's Astrid Mueller Talks feature, I speak with Jodi Flynn, author of Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to Doing and founder of Women Taking the Lead. We'll be diving into the juiciest parts of Jodi's book and hearing about how she's learned to navigate and transmute copious amounts of stress while staying true to herself at the same time!

This episode hones in on harmful behavioral patterns often expressed during times of stress, and tips on how to overcome them. Press the play button, relax, and listen in for a truly magical broadcast.

Key points in this episode: Jodi's journey from corporate to women's empowerment coach Unpacking the Type-A, logically-oriented, high achieving, perfectionist personality Recognizing when stress is affecting our personality and behavior How to shift thought patterns around opportunities when they present themselves The importance of challenging limiting beliefs The benefits of exploring the narrative one creates for themselves And so much more!


Listen in to this week's episode to gain valuable insight around your own psyche and how you can shift your behavioral patterns by first shifting your thought patterns!