Get inspired to grow your dream business, claim your power, and create quantum possibility! “Anything is possible!” says Astrid Mueller, transformation coach of “sparkle, play, and possibility,” and shows in soulful talks with soul-preneur women how you can find deep fulfillment, flow, and make your dream business a reality too.

Today's show is an interview with Kelly Ruta, a Psychotherapist turned Expert Mindset Mentor who will inspire you to also want to find your calling!

Key points:

Kelly's story of the many starts she had to get to where she is today The benefits of moving to a small town with your special expertise Unexpectedly finding your calling by listening to the universe Listening to your inner voice and taking the leap A few key tips on how to set your mindset to find your calling–with examples! A very exciting event that fulfilled a lifelong dream for Kelly after opening up to the universe And so many more inspiring things!