Get inspired to grow your dream business, claim your power, and create quantum possibility! “Anything is possible!” says Astrid Mueller, transformation coach of “sparkle, play, and possibility,” and shows in soulful talks with soul-reneur women how you can find deep fulfillment, flow, and make your dream business a reality too.

Today’s Astrid Mueller Talks feature is an interview about starting your Dream Biz and creating possibility with fellow soulpreneur and all-around wonderful lady, Marie Acemah. Marie is a Digital Storytelling Educator and founder of See Stories Consulting.

Key Topics:

Marie proves you can build a career you love and make a difference! The importance of finding a mentor, especially when you are first starting on your journey Growing your passion and getting to travel while living your dreams and possibility!   How to not let your own fear keep you from taking chances... And how letting go of this fear can help you reach your goals and dreams   The importance of holding onto your vision while you’re growing your career And more!