Let’s talk about dating! Kyle and Daniel have slightly different approaches and very different experiences. They talk about their stories, their priorities, and how these differences affect their perspectives on this often emotionally tumultuous approach. 



Assumptions is sponsored by ATB Financial’s Entrepreneur Centre and the Alberta Podcast Network (this week we recommend the podcast That’s A Thing).


Show Notes:

At the beginning of the episode we heard from the following friends and authors:

Rabbi Seth Goldstein

Barry Danylak 

Lish Veldhuijzen

Joy Beth Smith (who mentioned the book How to Get a Date Worth Keeping by Henry Cloud)

Our full length interviews with these guests will appear as bonus episodes later this season, starting with our next episode featuring Wesley Hill.

Daniel’s parents helped build and sail the SALTS boats around the world. The ministry is still going strong to this day.

Daniel talked about the verse in the Bible that urges Christians not to be “unequally yoked” to unbelievers: Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14, ESV)

Kyle refers to Aziz Ansari’s book Modern Romance. This episode was recorded before the recent controversy around his sexual harassment of women emerged.

Kyle’s story of his first, sad sexual encounter was shared on Episode Two of this Season.

Once again, we mention our forthcoming interview with Joy Beth Smith and her discussion of the Purple-Red Scale of sexuality.

We refer to the ending of the film La La Land.

We reference the song Aaron Bur, Sir from the musical Hamilton.

Daniel quoted a line from our interview with Wesley Hill (which will be released as our next episode), in which he refers to our current cultures “cult of romance.”

Please email us your questions, comments, or thoughts. We’d love to include them in a future episode. Send an voice recording to [email protected]

Daniel’s website is www.danielmelvilljones.com. Kyle can be found on twitter.com/thekylemarshall or www.thekylemarshall.com


Further Reading:

Speaking of Aziz Ansari, Daniel finds this Washington Post take on the controversy fascinating and relevant to our season: https://t.co/HRKo6QbMhw?ssr=true

Kyle was so inspired by the Purple Red Scale that he made a video about it. https://youtu.be/fdPVQkt0Alg



Assumptions is written and produced by Daniel Melvill Jones and Kyle Marshall.

This episode edited by Kyle Marshall.

Our soundtrack comes from The Parson Red Heads.

Podcast artwork designed by Chris Taniguchi.

Photography by Josh Boak


Assumptions is available wherever podcasts are found, including Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Soundcloud, Spotify, and iHeart Radio.

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