In This Episode Erin and Weer’d discuss: Wayne LaPierre cementing his position within the NRA and its pending demise; an Assault Weapons Ban that passed in Washington state and failed in Colorado, and what that means to the residents of these blue states; and the Louisville, KY bank shooter and his ties to gun control. Finally, Weer'd fisks Dan Savage of Savage Lovecast over the Nashville shooting.

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Show Notes

Main Topic:

Libertarian Dad Jokes The Reload: Analysis: The NRA’s Internal Fight is Over. Wayne LaPierre Won. Washington Is Banning Assault Rifles and Left-Wing Gun Owners Are Scared Colorado lawmakers fail to pass ban of assault weapons Cops Seize Louisville Bank Shooter’s 13-page ‘Manifesto’ Detailing ‘Reasons For Rampage’ Louisville Bank Shooter Full Body Cam and Witness Footage

Weer’d Audio Fisk:

Savage Lovecast Ep #859  2023 Nashville school shooting How Many Mass Shootings Have Been Carried Out by Transgender People? Public Mass Shootings: Database Amasses Details of a Half Century of U.S. Mass Shootings with Firearms, Generating Psychosocial Histories Surveillance video shows Nashville school shooter enter campus Nashville School Shooting Body Camera Footage Mugshot of Colorado gay club shooting suspect shows injuries sustained during confrontation with 'heroic people' Analysis: Why ‘Mass Shooting’ Counts Vary So Wildly and Why it Matters Why is anti-trans violence on the rise in America? Violent Crime Rate By Country Police "strongly believe" Nashville school shooter had other targets, including a local mall CDC 2018 Cause of Death by Age (PDF) Suicide Rate by Country Covenant School employee said staff members carried guns Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994–96 (PDF) What are zombie knives and how could the law on them change? That Time The CDC Asked About Defensive Gun Uses Safest States in America Ben Shapiro says trans people should be banned from owning firearms Canaries in the Gun Rights Coal Mine Kinky History


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