In This Episode: Erin and Weer’d discuss even more (mostly good) 2A news! Montana is now Constitutional Carry; Fort Fairfield and Paris, Maine are now Second Amendment Sanctuaries; Mayors of large cities are urging Joe Biden to ban guns though executive orders; and Erin was interviewed by a German publication on gun control. Weer'd sits down with Lara Smith to discuss how to best make gun control non-partisan again; and Weer'd brings us an Audio Fisk of a news show that asks "Does Gun Control Work?"

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Show Notes

Main Topic:

Gianforte signs bill expanding concealed carry in Montana Montana House Bill 102(PDF) Fort Fairfield Is Maine's Latest Second Amendment Sanctuary Accent Expert Gives a Tour of U.S. Accents Big City Mayors Demand Biden Sign Anti-Gun Executive Orders US gun control: Could Joe Biden's plan backfire? Erin's blog post with all the parts of the interview that weren't used

Lara Smith interview:

Do Biden Voters Deserve to Buy Ammo? The Liberal Gun Club The Liberal Gun Club: Facebook

Weer’d Audio Fisk:

Gun Control - Do firearm laws actually work Despite Confiscation, New Zealand Sees Most Gun Crime in a Decade Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 49 Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 51 Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 52 Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 102 Gunblog Varietycast ep 90 Making the case for a world without guns The public’s health and the social meaning of guns Australian Gun Laws: The Statistics Australia Murder/Homicide Rate 1990-2021 Gun laws in South Africa South Africa Crime and Safety Report Black Gun Owners Sue South African Government  How easy is it to buy a gun in these countries? Gun laws in Austria The EU countries where you’re more likely to die a violent death Gun Laws in Canada