In This Episode: Erin and Weer’d discuss Bloomberg's propaganda for the Thanksgiving table,  as well as the phenomenal sale of the PHLster Enigma Holster Chassis; then Oddball is joined by a special guest to talk about the Bug-A-Salt insect-killing "gun"; and then Weer'd fisks Senator-Elect John Hickenlooper as he speaks with the Giffords Anti-Gun Lobby.

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Show Notes

Main Topic:

Thanksgiving Weer’d Fisk PHLster Enigma

Oddball’s Corner Pocket

Bug-A-Salt Buy the Bug-A-Salt on Amazon! Bug-A-Salt Terminal Ballistics

Weer’d Audio Fisk:

Giffords-The Road to Universal Background Checks: Colorado Assorted Calibers podcast ep 27 Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 108 ACP Bonus: The Bloomberg Conspiracy Gabby Giffords at the 2020 Democratic National Convention A Dive Into Colorado Crime Data 2013 Colorado recall election Weer’d World: Lying about the Brady Bill New Report on Where Criminals Get Their Guns Weer’d World: Look at Their Reactions ATF Trace Data Illiniois (PDF) John Hickenlooper Gun Agenda