Join Erin, Weer'd, David, Oddball, and Steve for an ACP Round Table where we discuss the Presidential Election and all its associate shenanigans along with some token gun news.

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Show Notes Detroit lawsuit alleges new problems at TCF counting center, citing 5 affidavits Two Men Under 21 Sue for Handgun Rights These 8 States Could Form The Interstate Compact on 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Lone Wolf Guardian Pistol the 2020 election: fuckery is afoot Election 2020: the more fuckery update Barr authorizes DOJ prosecutors to investigate election irregularities Benford’s Law Lime­stone Coun­ty Social Work­er Charged With 134 Felony Counts Involv­ing Elec­tion Fraud 132,000 Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Have Been Identified Which Are Likely Ineligible