Hello Internet!

In This Episode

Erin and Weer’d get out of the damn way and get on with the segments!

David brings us a segment on record keeping for your gun collection; Superfan Xander brings us a segment where he explores  the "Common Knowledge" that everybody might not know when it comes to owning guns; and Weer'd brings us a fisk of Joe Biden talking with Wired Magazine about gun control.

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Show Notes

Gun Lovers and Other Strangers:

Personal Firearms Log FFL Record Book Personal Firearms Record Book ATF Personal Firearms Record

Independent Thoughts with Xander:

Surefire Sonic Defenders

Weer’d Audio Fisk

Wired- Joe Biden Answers Your Most Searched Questions About Him 2mm Kolibri Article 1 of the US Constitution Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 093 Biden: I would institute a national buyback program The Origins of the NFA Mike Bloomberg Endorses Joe Biden Biden Campaign Finance Reform Plans How Do Criminals Get Their Guns