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Christina Lewellen, at the time was with the Association of Proposal Management Professionals and is now with the Association of Technology Leaders in Independent Schools (ATLIS), and was also the former volunteer President of Harmony, Inc., a female Barbershop harmony singing group. There was a special community bond and even love among the women who are Harmony Barbershop singers, she says, in a different way than a professional society. Christina says that the most important aspect of community is providing a venue for people to connect, so they can find their tribes. This is more complex, of course, for an international society, in terms of helping members find their geographical tribes, but also professional interests across national boundaries. Making educational content accessible to all the members where they are is critical, Christina says. For both professional associations and passion-based groups like Harmony, she says, the magic really happens when people set aside ego and competition, and just focus on their commonalities and something bigger than themselves. “My role as a leader, my honor and privilege of a leader at Harmony, Inc., has shaped me as an association executive,” she says, “because … it is so important … to breathe the community.” Some association execs don’t like their members, maybe because they don’t buy into the community, she says, and it’s so critical for staff to be part of the community, too. Also, Christina says, members crave recognition, and providing that recognition helps build community, too.