Servatus Ltd is an unlisted Australian biopharmaceutical firm and global expert in the development and...

Servatus Ltd is an unlisted Australian biopharmaceutical firm and global expert in the development and identification of new autoimmune therapies using live microbial biotherapeutics. It has received strong support from its sophisticated shareholders.

Servatus’ business includes three integrated divisions. Drug development is at the forefront in microbiome-based biotherapeutics. State-of-the art manufacturing via a joint venture. And Servatus also has a Biomiq over-the counter live microbial biotherapeutics company.

Most of the funds raised so far will go towards clinical trials for insomnia and rheumatoid arthritis (IBDUC). Servatus is currently awaiting final ethics clearance for rheumatoid and IBD-UC before attempting patient recruitment. These trials are expected to start in Queensland and the United States early in 2022.

The global rheumatoid-arthritis market is the largest, with USD43bn of drug sales in 2018. [1]. While the market for insomnia is large as well, and expected to grow at a CAGR 5.2% [2] in 2026, the market for insomnia is also very large. Pre-clinical studies have shown that Servatus’ drug candidate candidates either significantly improved the performance of certain of the most popular autoimmune drugs in the world or outperformed current standards of care.

Dr Wayne Finlayson (CEO of Servatus) commented on the success capital raise. He said that: “We are thrilled to have secured $7.5million in new capital to further these important clinical trials programs. Although there are medications available for rheumatoid and insomnia, significant numbers of patients are still not being treated or receiving the right treatment. We received exceptional feedback on our previous work and we look forward to opening the clinic in early 2019.

Servatus built a world-class research and production facility as part of a joint venture called Australian Biotherapeutics. This facility uses a world-first bio-manufacturing method that combines proprietary closed-system continuous production with Australian-first drying technology. It is designed to increase both manufacturing yields as well as production costs.

The first stage of construction has been completed. The joint venture will produce export-ready biopharmaceutical products, which will provide a significant revenue stream to the Servatus company. In 2023, stage two will be completed. This stage will include a larger production facility that allows large-scale GMP biopharmaceutical production.

Dr Wayne Finlayson is the CEO of Servatus. He said: “It was very satisfying to see how our integrated business platform has benefited this year. Our state-of the-art R&D facility and production facility have supported our rapidly expanding clinical trial program. Our purpose-built facility allows us to accelerate our clinical trial program, unlike other drug developers who may be affected by the shortage of manufacturing resources. We are proud to have been able to bring our Australian technology to the rest of the world, and we are now entering an exciting phase in the company’s history.

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