FWD Group Holdings Limited (FWD Group) ranked sixth in the Top 10 Multinational Companies 2023...

FWD Group Holdings Limited (FWD Group) ranked sixth in the Top 10 Multinational Companies 2023 Million Dollar Round Table (“MDRT”) rankings, maintaining its position from last season.

FWD was ranked second in Thailand and the Philippines for MDRT membership. FWD was ranked fourth in Hong Kong SAR and third in Vietnam. As of 1 July 2023, the FWD Group has 2,131 MDRTs.

The MDRT is an independent global association that has been recognised as the benchmark of excellence for the financial services and life insurance industries. The association demands that members provide clients with the highest level of service, ethics, knowledge and productivity.

Many life insurance professionals and financial service professionals find it difficult to achieve MDRT certification by meeting the high levels of commissions, income or premiums required during the year. FWD Group has launched initiatives like FWD Elite Agents, which provide top-performing agents with special training and benefits to help them progress to MDRT certification. FWD Elite eCoach is an online platform for sales, leadership and management coaching. The FWD Elite Signature Programme at INSEAD has been running since May 2019 and offers intensive training to the next generation.

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