Fidelis Health is raising awareness of the health disparities that minority populations face. This year’s...

Fidelis Health is raising awareness of the health disparities that minority populations face. This year’s theme is Better Health Through Better Understanding. emphasizes how meeting cultural and language needs can improve health outcomes.

National Minority Health Month was established by the Office of Minority Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (OHS) to encourage educational efforts about health issues that currently affect racial and ethnic populations and to eliminate health disparities.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,minority group members are more likely than others to suffer from chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Community-based organizations, leaders, health plans, and providers can all work together to address health literacy and linguistic requirements. This will reduce the risk for these conditions, as well as improve health outcomes.

Fidelis Care works with many providers in the state that speak different languages. It is important to be able communicate with your doctor in your native language, and understand the results of a lab test.

Camille Pearte MD, Fidelis Senior Medical Director, said: “National Minority Health Month is an opportunity to address health disparities, inequities, and injustices among minority populations.” “We want to encourage our members’ involvement in their health, wellness and care. We want them to ask questions and get the services and care they need. It is important to deliver care in a manner that respects each individual’s culture or heritage.

Fidelis Care’s staff are not only active in their local communities, but also speak multiple languages. Fidelis Care Marketing staff members, who have a grassroots presence in the state, speak 29 languages, from Spanish to Urdu. Fidelis Care’s strong partnerships with community organizations and providers help to address health disparities through education and community events.

Fidelis Care, for example, recently partnered up with CINQCARE in Buffalo, a community-based, provider-led comprehensive care delivery partner, to discuss culturally sensitive healthcare.

Anthony Welters is the Founder and CEO of CINQCARE. “We are committed to understanding and serving the communities that we serve. That’s why we’re dedicated to creating a healthcare system where it’s not a burden,” he said. We are committed to recruiting and equipping doctors, nurses, practitioners and caregivers to provide better health and care in the communities they live, particularly those who are Black and Brown.

Fidelis Care, beyond National Minority Health Month will continue to focus its efforts on health equity. We want to ensure that our members and communities are able to access the best care. This commitment requires us to continue to address social determinants and health disparities in the state.

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