In a strategic move to supercharge growth across its global health empire, The Cigna Group...

In a strategic move to supercharge growth across its global health empire, The Cigna Group (NYSE: CI) has just dropped the bombshell of leadership changes. Brace yourselves for a wave of transformation that promises to reshape the landscape of Evernorth Health Services and Cigna Healthcare.

At the forefront of this seismic shift is Brian Evanko, the seasoned Chief Financial Officer of The Cigna Group. Evanko, a Cigna veteran since 1998, is not only holding the fort as CFO but is also stepping into the shoes of the new President and Chief Executive Officer of Cigna Healthcare. This means he’ll be steering the ship for all Cigna Healthcare businesses, from U.S. Commercial to International Health and U.S. Government. His track record in overseeing the U.S. Government business and delivering on earnings objectives speaks volumes.

Adding a fresh face to the mix, Ann Dennison, former EVP and CFO at Nasdaq, is set to join The Cigna Group as Deputy Chief Financial Officer. With a stellar background overseeing global corporate finance, treasury, and more, Dennison brings a wealth of financial prowess to the team.

Meanwhile, current U.S. Commercial President Mike Triplett is set to retire by the end of 2024. But fear not, as Bryan Holgerson, a 22-year veteran of the company, steps up to fill the void. Holgerson’s extensive experience in shaping and executing business growth strategies positions him perfectly to take on the role of President of U.S. Commercial for Cigna Healthcare.

But that’s not all – Eric Palmer is expanding his role, not just as President and CEO of Evernorth Health Services but also as Executive Vice President for Enterprise Strategy at The Cigna Group. Palmer, with a remarkable 26-year career at Cigna, will be the mastermind behind long-term growth strategies, M&A activities, and innovation through Cigna Ventures.

David M. Cordani, chairman and CEO of The Cigna Group, expressed confidence in the new leadership, stating, “With them at the helm of our two growth platforms, alongside their seasoned leadership teams, we believe we are well positioned to deliver on our strategy with clarity and purpose.”

This leadership shakeup is poised to be a game-changer, promising not just growth but a redefined future for Cigna. Click here to get an exclusive peek into the strategic maneuvers shaping the next chapter for this global health giant.

About The Cigna Group:

The Cigna Group (NYSE: CI) isn’t just a global health company; it’s a force committed to building a better future for every individual and community. With products and services under Evernorth Health Services, Cigna Healthcare, and subsidiaries, it operates in over 30 countries, boasting more than 165 million customer relationships worldwide. Stay tuned for the latest in health innovation at

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