Previous Episode: Retention & Engagement: P=p-i
Next Episode: The Power of 95

In 2009 BIS published Engaging for Success (more commonly known as the MacLeod Report), a study by David MacLeod and Nita Clarke of over organisations across the UK demonstrating high employee engagement and high performance. They concluded that the common factors in all these organisations were the Four Enablers of engagement:


Strategic Narrative –your business story, the purpose of your orgnaisation; where you’ve been, where you are now and where you are going. This then generates what we call the 3V’s – Vision, Values and Visual which creates the line of sight for your employeesEngaging Managers or as we call it the Power of 95. This 5% of your workforce can really influence the other 95% Employee Voice – this is where you really need to understand individual expectations, make sure your employees feel valued and listened to, acting upon what people are saying and explaining in any situations where this may not be possibleOrganisational integrity – living the values and demonstrating them on a day to day basis