This week's pod is on the brutal English Civil War, or War of the Three Kingdoms. Historian and novelist Mark Turnbull joins me to discuss. Mark is the author of The Rebellion Series, a trilogy of novels set during the Civil War, We chat Charles I, Henrietta Maria, Prince Rupert, Cromwell and the Earl of Essex, as well as Edgehill and Naseby. Was Charles I really a tyrant? Were the Levellers the Corbynistas of their day? Am I a Roundhead or Cavalier?
Mark Turnbull Links
Mark's Trilogy of Novels: The Rebellion Series, the latest of which is The King's Cavalier.
Mark's podcast, CavalierCast, where you'll find more episodes with star guests discussing the Civil War.
Mark on Twitter
Cromwell, starring Alec Guiness and Richard Harris.
Aspects of History Links
Before the Civil War, by Leanda de Lisle - Aspects of History
Jonestown: Living through History - Aspects of History
Ollie on Twitter
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This week's pod is on the brutal English Civil War, or War of the Three Kingdoms. Historian and novelist Mark Turnbull joins me to discuss. Mark is the author of The Rebellion Series, a trilogy of novels set during the Civil War, We chat Charles I, Henrietta Maria, Prince Rupert, Cromwell and the Earl of Essex, as well as Edgehill and Naseby. Was Charles I really a tyrant? Were the Levellers the Corbynistas of their day? Am I a Roundhead or Cavalier?

Mark Turnbull Links

Mark's Trilogy of Novels: The Rebellion Series, the latest of which is The King's Cavalier.

Mark's podcast, CavalierCast, where you'll find more episodes with star guests discussing the Civil War.

Mark on Twitter

Cromwell, starring Alec Guiness and Richard Harris.

Aspects of History Links

Before the Civil War, by Leanda de Lisle - Aspects of History

Jonestown: Living through History - Aspects of History

Ollie on Twitter

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