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Albert Einstein said, “we can not solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”.

How important is your mindset in your daily life?

Are you dictating how you’re going to think, feel, and act or are you allowing others to dictate it for you?

I’ll be frank, we all deal with huge piles of BS. Some more than others. And yet, while some are waiting for the storm to pass, others have learned to dance in the rain.

What goes into that mindset?

Well, we learned just that when we sat down with Tonnika Haynes, the owner of Brown’s Automotive in Chapel Hill, NC. 

Tonnika tells us how she navigates through the inevitable trials of life. 

Are you spending your nights at the shop or worrying about the shop? Get the numbers you need to see what’s going on with each tech and each profit center, thanks to advanced analytics. Get and get some sleep.

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