Paul Colmer is an engaging digital architect, coach, and trainer, who empowers others through the transfer of knowledge.

He is currently working for ALC Training & Consulting in Brisbane, Australia, where he develops and runs public and custom courses tailored to their clients’ needs. He also coaches and mentors his clients, empowering them to bring cloud, cybersecurity, agile expertise, and best practices to their organizations.

Prior to this, he was a Senior Principal Cloud Architect for DXC Technology, where he was a joint winner of the Citrix System Integrator Award 2017 for Innovation on the DXC Shared Platform.

His passion is helping people develop and grow, through compelling stories and experiences.

Contact Paul:
Twitter: @MusicComposer1

Contact Avrohom:
Twitter: @avrohomg
Instagram: @avrohomg


[02:46] There is massive disruption taking place in every industry, thanks to the rapid advancement in technology, such as Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Robotics, and so on. As someone who works in, and mentors people on, the forefront of cutting edge technology, what kinds of trends are you seeing regarding Digital Disruption?

[03:15] How do you define Digital Disruption?

[04:20] How do you define Digital Transformation?

[05:14] Prediction: Every industry will be disrupted, including governments!

[06:50] GDPR in EU is a form of disruption.

[07:44] There are forms of GDPR that have been adopted as law all around the world.

[10:52] A Digital Transformation project is not complete without a robust Cybersecurity strategy. What are you seeing out there, with regards to the ways companies employ Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Protection?

[11:02] What are the top 5 Cloud Security Threats?

[11:02] The #1 Cloud Security Threat is a Data Breach.

[13:20] How to get through a data breach.

[13:20] A data breach is inevitable. The key is how you will react when it happens.

[14:09] Another buzz word that people hear over, and over again, is BigData. What is that?

[14:38] A few thousand records is called “Little Data” (up to 100k rows).

[15:07] BigData is about making good business decisions around very large sets of data.

[16:20] Our personal habits are contributing to the huge volumes of data.

[19:42] What is Machine Learning?

[21:01] The Tesla Driverless Car

[22:33] Blockchain: Beyond the hype

[23:28] McKinsey: It will take many years for Blockchain to go into production.

[23:28] The challenge with Blockchain is scalability

[24:05] Will Quantum Computers solve the challenges with Blockchain?

[26:22] Quantum Computers raise Cybersecurity fears

[27:08] Another component to Digital Transformation is migrating to The Cloud. In an article published by ZDNet in November 2018, they wrote about Guinness World Records and stated that Cloud Computing is the key to their digital transformation. What do businesses need to know as they contemplate migrating to The Cloud?

[30:30] Can you tell us about some of the technical courses you teach, and what kinds of businesses would benefit the most from these classes?