Misha Rangel, the Senior Product Marketing Manager for IBM to share shared her insights on a recent IT Infrastructure spending study that was conducted by Forrester Research on behalf of IBM Systems.

The study can be accessed here: ibm.biz/Avrohom-HMC-Study

One of the key findings mentioned in the report is that on-premises solutions continue to play a key role in IT Infrastructure spending decisions, with 90% of IT decision-makers agreeing that on-premises infrastructure is a critical part of their hybrid cloud strategies.

Another key finding of the report is that IT decision-makers anticipate that more than half of mission-critical workloads and 47% of data-intensive workloads will be run either on-premises or in an internal private cloud within the next two years. This does not mean that organizations have stopped investing in on-premises. Misha goes into this topic in greater detail during our discussion.

Another key finding is that companies that delay IT Infrastructure upgrades are opening themselves up to serious vulnerabilities.

Misha Rangel has spent 13+ years as a product marketing leader for B2B technology companies.

Contact Misha:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/misharangel/
Twitter: @misharangel
Web: ibm.biz/Avrohom-HMC-Study

Contact Avrohom:
Web: https://asktheceo.biz
Facebook: AvrohomGottheil
Twitter: @avrohomg
Instagram: @avrohomg


[00:34] IBM just published the findings of an IT Infrastructure study conducted by Forrester Research. Can you help us understand, what are the current trends for IT Infrastructure spending?

[01:44] What’s driving the conversations around IT Infrastructure refresh?

[03:13] As you know, many companies are delaying upgrading their infrastructure, for various reasons. Be it budget cuts, lack of resources, or something else. What are the ramifications to delaying an infrastructure upgrade?

[03:13] Companies that delay IT Infrastructure upgrades are opening themselves up to serious vulnerabilities.

[04:54] Security doesn’t stop at the software level. Hardware has a security component, as well.

[05:21] One of the things the Forrester study talks about is that we’re seeing growth in Public Cloud spending across all types of workloads. Does this also refer to mission-critical workloads, or are there any kind of workloads where, perhaps, an on-prem or a hybrid cloud configuration might be a better choice?

[10:25] Where can people go to learn more about the Forrester IT Infrastructure study?

[11:02] How do people connect with you?

[11:36] Do you have any parting words of wisdom to share with the audience?

[11:40] Being consistent with IT Infrastructure refreshes can make a big difference with regards to preventing risks and threats to a company.

[12:17] Maintaining consistent IT Infrastructure refreshes is like going for an annual checkup at your doctor.