Tony Flath is the founder of TManSpeaks, a tech and media consulting practice, focusing on Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, HR Tech, Social Media, and Emerging Technologies. His aim is to help organizations keep their information protected, make better use of cloud computing, and more effectively use various technologies as well as social media.

He is an advocate for Millennials and Generation Z, a big supporter of Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

He is the host of the popular VLOG TmanSpeaks.

Contact Tony:
Twitter: @TmanSpeaks

Contact Avrohom:
email: [email protected]
Twitter: @avrohomg
Instagram: @avrohomg
Phone: +1 (845) 418-5340
Phone: +972-72-224-4449


[01:28] There is a term that you hear a lot when speaking about education called STEM. As a supporter of young people, what is STEM and why is it important?

[02:42] One of the challenges we hear about all the time is that there aren't enough qualified candidates for high tech jobs, such as in the field of Cybersecurity. What's your opinion on what should be done to address this challenge?

[05:21] Rob May, Human Firewall - All users need to be trained, as they are all considered perpetrators and vulnerabilities, with regards to Cybersecurity.

[09:00] Hacks and data breaches are happening at an alarming rate. According to Statista, as of mid-2018, there were 668 data breaches, exposing 22.41 million records of data! How can we leverage emerging technologies, such as AI, Machine Learning, and Cloud in order to bolster our data security?

[09:45] Traditional Cybersecurity is about perimeter and endpoint control. We need next-generation tools that have application visibility.

[11:40] SIM - Security Information Module - provides event monitoring.

[20:17] Cybersecurity - it's a war of machines!

[23:00] Blockchain & AI will help us better identify and control threats and security.

[23:29] It seems like everyone is into Digital Transformation these days. What do CIOs need to know in order to implement a successful digital transformation project?

[25:54] Cloud or on Prem?