Key Takeaways:

Yoga and meditation can serve as gateways to a new level of awareness and mental health.
Injuries and life changes often lead individuals to discover the holistic benefits of yoga.
The practices of yoga and meditation have profound effects, offering stress relief, improved mobility, and emotional wellness.
Addressing the barriers of intimidation and the misconception that yoga and meditation are exclusive or culturally specific practices.
Yoga provides tools for personal development and empowerment, reinforcing one's control over responses to life's stressors.



Timestamp Summary

0:00:07 Introduction to the yoga session and the benefits of yoga and meditation

0:02:14 Flow’s personal journey into yoga and becoming an instructor

0:04:45 Georgette Dunn’s experience with yoga and its impact on her mind, body, and soul

0:08:54 Elsa Thompson’s personal journey into yoga and meditation for stress relief and self-discovery

0:12:45 Discussion on the misconception of aging and the importance of maintaining flexibility

0:13:13 Yoga posture demonstration and alignment guidance

0:13:40 Flow: Allow your toes to point down. Keep your glute leveled. Deep breath in. Reach for something tangible.

0:14:23 Flow: Kick back something behind you that needs to stay back there and reach for something intangible.

0:15:32 Flow: Pull in love, release hate. Pull in confidence, release doubt. Pull in strength, release worry.

0:16:48 Elsa Thompson: Emotions are real, and it’s important to feel them. Meditation helps with emotional regulation.

0:18:04 Elsa Thompson: Meditation is a tool of empowerment to regulate emotions.

0:19:10 Elsa Thompson: Some resist meditation because they can’t turn their mind off or think it has religious aspects.

0:21:17 Georgette Dunn: Yoga can be intimidating, but creating a welcoming space and representation can help overcome resistance.

0:22:17 Georgette Dunn: Encouraging people to pause, feel their breath, and simplifying yoga can help overcome resistance.

0:25:14 Elsa Thompson: Mindfulness and meditation help minimize stress by keeping you present and releasing trapped emotions.

0:27:15 Yoga and meditation can help address stress by creating space for slowing down and responding effectively.

0:28:53 Thoughts are not who we are; they are impacted by experiences and perceptions. Meditation helps decipher between thoughts and reality.

0:32:30 Yoga provides a mental break and helps entrepreneurs navigate the stress and challenges of running a business.

0:35:44 Yoga brings awareness to buried emotions and helps individuals be honest about their feelings.

0:37:22 Opening a yoga studio as an entrepreneur can be challenging, but staying connected to the passion and purpose fuels the journey.

0:39:16 Regulating emotions benefits relationships by allowing for intentional and empathetic responses.

0:40:36 Modeling self-regulation for children

0:41:10 Teaching children to regulate their emotions

0:41:56 Soft parenting and teaching children to work through emotions

0:43:30 Importance of self-regulation skills for adults

0:44:10 Using deep breaths to find calm in stressful situations

0:45:47 Yoga as a tool for self-discovery and acceptance

0:46:35 Judgment and the need for personal growth

0:47:36 Yoga for weight loss and setting intentions

0:48:52 The ongoing process of mental healing and growth

0:51:49 Importance of balance and its impact on aging

0:52:29 Meaning of namaste in Polysanscript language


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Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.


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