Key Takeaways:

Understanding the differentiation between the real economy (true value and productivity) and the financial economy (speculation and monetary manipulation).
In a perfect world scenario, productivity gains would equate to the interest rates that investors receive, with no additional risk.
The importance of investing in the new economy—areas that are aligned with the current and future trends of innovation and progress.
The government's role through debt growth and its impact on the financial market and investment strategies.
The value of conviction and the holding of investments through volatility in order to realize gains in the longer term.



Timestamp Summary

0:00:05 Introduction and disclaimer about the information presented

0:00:38 Introduction to the main topic: understanding the real economy

0:01:12 Recommendation of Ray Dalio’s book on how economies work

0:02:24 Highlighting the unbiased perspective of Ray Dalio’s book

0:03:03 Explanation of Ray Dalio’s expertise and influence in the financial world

0:04:19 Explanation of the ideal scenario in a risk-free world

0:05:19 Importance of AI in evaluating the logic of money

0:06:20 Differentiation between the real economy and the financial economy

0:08:03 Examples of industries with negative real returns

0:10:13 Importance of calculating the rate of money printing

0:11:55 Projection of debt growth rate at 12% based on current trends

0:13:14 Discussion on unproductive use of borrowed money by the government

0:13:49 Investing in opportunities that beat the growth rate of 12% or more

0:14:22 Old economy investments are decreasing, new economy investments are on the rise

0:15:10 Providing a service to the market by investing through volatility

0:16:01 Staying invested to help keep the train going and buying during bad years

0:16:59 Investing in the new best economy with strong conviction

0:17:32 The next decade will be great for those who believe in the real economy

Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management


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Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.