About The Guest(s):

Brayden Daniels is the founder of Lead Like a Magician and a professional magician. He combines his expertise in magic with leadership principles to help individuals and organizations improve their leadership skills. Braden has a background in business and has been practicing magic for many years.




Braden Daniels, founder of Lead Like a Magician, joins Phillip on the Wealth Building Made Simple podcast to discuss the four elements of leadership and the power of imagination in business and leadership. Brayden explains how the magician archetype can be applied to leadership, emphasizing the importance of communication, discipline, reflection, and support. He also highlights the role of imagination in problem-solving and creative visualization. The conversation touches on the relationship between magic and science, as well as the difference between Tony Stark and Doctor Strange as archetypal characters.

Key Takeaways:

- The magician archetype in leadership emphasizes guiding and supporting others rather than wielding power.
- The four elements of leadership are air (communication), fire (discipline), water (reflection), and earth (support).
- Imagination plays a crucial role in problem-solving and creative visualization.
- Magic and science both seek to understand the unknown, but magic preserves an element of mystery.
- Tony Stark and Doctor Strange represent different approaches to leadership, with Tony focusing on innovation and profit, while Doctor Strange prioritizes responsibility and collaboration.


- "As a leader, you want to be a guide to your employees, not the hero. For your employees, your employee is the hero. Customers are the hero." - Braden Daniels
- "Imagination is part of a bigger process that includes immersion, identification, and involvement." - Braden Daniels
- "Reality is subject to change without notice." - Braden Daniels




| **Timestamp** | **Summary** |
| ------------- | ----------- |
| 0:00:01 | Introduction to the podcast and guest Brayden Daniels |
| 0:03:20 | Brayden's background in magic and leadership |
| 0:08:45 | The four elements of leadership: air, fire, water, earth |
| 0:16:05 | The importance of imagination in business and leadership |
| 0:24:37 | The difference between magic and artificial intelligence |
| 0:30:40 | The power of visualization and vibrations in leadership |
| 0:36:21 | Information about Brayden's magic show and upcoming events |
| 0:38:13 | How to contact Brayden for more information |
| 0:38:41 | The difference between Tony Stark and Dr. Strange |
| 0:43:05 | Conclusion and appreciation for the conversation |


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Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser.  Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies.  Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed.  Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.