Summary notes:

This episode covers the idea that everything is an information network, including money and economies. The blockchain is an information network that eliminates unnecessary intermediaries. The goal of evolution is to reduce resistance and increase flow so that there is no wasted energy. 

Superblockchains, which are networks of blockchains that link different blockchains that are being built to solve different problems, like owning our own data and getting paid for it, and creating a personal currency that would act as a credit score and financial trustworthiness.
It’s a sort of unified system that allows multiple blockchains to be interoperable. It is similar to how a highway is built between cities to create an easier and more efficient way for people to travel. The Internet has multiple layers of protocols that were built to create an easier interface for consumers to use.  A Superchain is being built to do that for blockchains. 


0:01:13 Exploring the Benefits of Super Blockchains in Business Economics

0:03:22 Exploring the Benefits of Superchains and Open Source Networks

0:07:59 Exploring the Benefits of Open Source Software for Interoperability

0:09:41 Reviewing the Cycle of Life: Collaboration and Re-Building for a Better Future


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