Summary notes: 

The discussion centers on how decentralizing the truth can lead to more equitable distribution of resources. The example of 3D printing is used to illustrate how it can benefit manufacturing. 3D printing allows people to model up their ideas with free or inexpensive software and hardware, and make exactly what they want. It could lead to more people being involved in the manufacturing process and having a collective amount of money rather than it being accrued to the top.

There are three types of manufacturing: craftsmen, small manufacturers, and large manufacturers. Craftsmen will still have a place, as they are able to create personalized items with skill. Small manufacturers are already somewhat decentralized, and they are able to respond to customization and personalization. Finally, large manufacturers are needed for scaling and reducing the price point. Additive manufacturing, automation, and other emerging technologies may make it easier for people to become craftsmen and small manufacturers. This would allow people to open an Etsy shop or begin printing items and let them run around the clock.


0:01:47 Discussion on Decentralizing Manufacturing with 3D Printing

0:04:03 Exploring Decentralization in Manufacturing: Craftsman, Small Manufacturers, and Large Manufacturers

0:05:58 The Benefits of Leveraging Technology for Manufacturing and Personalization

0:11:35 Leveraging Additive Technology for Operational Efficiency

0:13:46 The Benefits of Embracing Technological Progress

University of Arkansas in Fayeville for college and studied industrial engineering. He originally wanted to design prosthetic limbs but changed his mind and decided to study industrial engineering because of its prestige. During college he got a couple of internships in an industrial setting and discovered that he enjoyed working with tangible things. He worked at Frito Lay's largest plant in the world as his first job.

The conversation is about how emerging technologies are having an impact on the industrial industry.  Additive manufacturing is one of the biggest changes in the industry which is the process of starting with basic building blocks of material and forming it into the desired thing.  3D printing is an example of additive manufacturing, and that it can create incredibly complex and specific forms of material within a short amount of time. There are two dominant types of 3D printing machines (but many more), those that print with metal and those that print with plastic.

3D printing is already used in many everyday objects, such as Invisalign braces and medical devices. Finally, the speaker noted that the best way to get in contact with them is on social media.



0:02:56 Exploring the Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Industrial Industry with

0:08:36 Conversation about 3D Printing -Exploring the Process and Applications 


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