Key Takeaways:

Many investors are making the mistake of sticking to outdated real estate strategies instead of adapting to the current market.
Airbnb rentals are being banned in certain cities, making them less profitable.
Interest rates and property taxes are increasing, making fix and flips and long-term rentals less viable options.
First-time homebuyers may need to live in discomfort for a short period of time in order to afford a home in the current market.
The DFW area offers opportunities for real estate investors due to its diverse economy and business-friendly environment.



| **Timestamp** | **Summary** |
| ------------- | ----------- |
| 0:00:07 | Introduction and disclaimer about investment advice |
| 0:00:52 | Discussion about the guest's name and background |
| 0:02:14 | Conversation about the guest's small town upbringing |
| 0:02:55 | Introduction to the topic of real estate investing |
| 0:03:18 | Discussion on the changing real estate market |
| 0:03:55 | Explanation of the limitations and challenges of Airbnb rentals |
| 0:04:31 | Explanation of the difficulties of financing long-term rentals |
| 0:05:05 | Discussion on the risks of adjustable-rate mortgages |
| 0:05:46 | Explanation of the impact of property taxes on rental profits |
| 0:06:41 | Discussion on the challenges and risks of fix and flips |
| 0:10:04 | Investing in real estate in the current market |
| 0:10:48 | Difficulty for first-time home buyers in finding affordable homes |
| 0:11:30 | Strategy of buying a new build in a developing community |
| 0:12:17 | Living in discomfort for two years to build equity |
| 0:14:00 | Builders offering deals on new build homes |
| 0:15:45 | Land availability in different areas |
| 0:16:41 | Mansfield's full occupancy for single-family homes |
| 0:17:20 | More affordable options in Midlothian and Alvarado |
| 0:18:31 | Property taxes and population growth affecting affordability |
| 0:19:29 | Need for operational excellence and patience in real estate |
| 0:21:01 | Importance of checking the condition of a house before buying |
| 0:22:16 | Regret from not following a checklist when buying a house |
| 0:23:15 | Positive outlook on the DFW real estate market |
| 0:24:40 | Opportunities in helping businesses find the right location |
| 0:25:37 | Texas as a recession-proof state |
| 0:26:11 | People wanting to sell their homes after COVID |
| 0:28:12 | Rebalancing of high-income African Americans in DFW |
| 0:28:39 | Frisco's culture and high-end businesses |
| 0:29:43 | Exclusive clubs and vetting in Frisco |
| 0:30:41 | Differences between Frisco and South DFW in culture and acceptance |
| 0:32:00 | Culture of brotherhood and support in the real estate industry |
| 0:32:57 | Importance of proper investments in real estate |
| 0:33:18 | Real estate in DFW will continue to grow and transition |
| 0:33:34 | Contact information for purchasing or investing in homes |


Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Our Guest: Anvalon Elliott, Reliance Faith Realty Group, Powered By TDRealty


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Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser.  Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies.  Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed.  Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.