The Truckers Christmas Groupis once again ready to make Christmas 2017 a happy and less stressful one for truckers and their families.

As we talk about trucking issues and regulations, many say "Truckers should Unite"!

So many families are in need during the holiday season and helping our fellow truckers is a BIG chance for us all to do just that,  UNITE to help our fellow truckers.

Join us Thursday Nov 30th 6PM et as we discuss how we can all help TCGO during Christmas by: Volunteering, Nominating families in need, donating money or donating items to the Christmas store. Our guests will be TCGO board member Idella Hansen and co-founder Greg Manchester. 

TCGO began in 2008 by truckers who wanted to help truckers and their families who had fallen on bad times, which always seems to be worse during the holidays.

They are a a registered 501(c)3 non profit organization.

Almost all of us as truck drivers have seen those in need, and the TCGO and have worked to assure a few families have a brighter Christmas.

Over the last seven seasons The Truckers Christmas Group has helped 112 families with more than $66,000. Time is running out to get truckers the much needed relief during the Holidays For further information call 1-802-455-8246

You can enjoy the holidays and stay healthy! For the second half of the show we'll be talking to health enthusiast Carolyn O'Byrne of  LifeCoachService,net. 

Carolyn will be sharing her expertise about Christmas over the road and feeling good about yourself..