Trucking industry lobbyists (including ATA) have stated that they plan to target the new Republican control in Washington, D.C. to pass legislation which would negatively affect driver wages by preempting State Labor laws. This new legislation ( Such as Denham Amendment of 2015 which failed) would create law that would prevent drivers from ever being paid for all working time. (Detention, waiting, paperwork, etc…)

Since November 2015 the ATA and other organizations have been attempting to re-interpret the intended meaning of the Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act (F4A) in attempt to prevent drivers from being paid for anything other than the miles they drive.

The F4A was written to prohibit states from interfering with the regulations of freight rates in effort to deregulate the aviation and trucking  industries.This legislation is NOT just an “intrastate driver” issue. If passed it would affect all drivers.

Our guest tonight is Craig Ackermann of Ackermann & Tilajef, P.C. Craig has been an employment lawyer for 19 years and has represented over 25,000 truck drivers.

Tonight he will explain the Federal Aviation  Administration Authorization Act (F4A), and how amendments or altering of the F4A (which the Denham Amendment tried to do), would place the final nail in the coffin for drivers who want to be legally/ officially paid for all their working time. The industry itself has stated drivers work an additional 30-40 hours above their driving time.

For additional info please go to InfoGraphicSTOP New Legislation-Truck Driver Wages at Risk