Thursday Nov 5th 6PM ET   347-826-9170
Owner Operators  CAN Afford Private Health Insurance

The lifestyle of the professional driver has led to many illnesses over the years, no one disputes that.

A main concern and challenge for many drivers, and a major reason for not taking care of their health, is the exorbitant cost for Health Care Coverage. So what do they do? They go without.

Many Owner Operators have attempted to take advantage of tax credits, reduced cost health insurance, only to be misinformed and rejected, often told they did not qualify for a reduced rate, when in fact they most definitely did!

Tonight we will explain why this happens and how to avoid this path.

Our guest tonight, Trey Walker from Nobska Point Insurance  will explain how Owner Operators CAN afford and obtain full  Private Health Insurance with low deductibles and low co-pays, most often for under $100.00/month, This includes those who have been previously told that they did not qualify for a tax credit.

Mr Walker will also share with us how and why he has personally guided many drivers onto the correct path in order to obtain the affordable health care they need, without needing to go through the maze of the government website.

Unlike others, NobskaPoint Ins is unique to the trucking industry as they use their own software and are licensed in all 48 states.  This means you are never directed to someone else and you always have customer service.

 In other words, You start with Nobska Point Ins  and end with Nobska Point Ins.