1:40 iTunes Reviews Take Too Long to Show Up - Issues (To Track Your Own Reviews, Check out My Podcast Reviews

6:14 New and Noteworthy is a Waste of Time

9:22 Podcasting Burnout

13:48 How do you define success with your podcast?

19:44 What is the Best Platform to Sell your Podcast?


Then you can earn affiliate income using links from places like Shareasale.com

22:38 Security and Backups

iThemes Security


Updraft (for backups) - Jim Uses

Manage wp (for backups) - Dave Uses

For cleaning up Malware, Dave used Sucuri

Jim uses Maplegrove Partners as his web host

Cooler Websites Offer Malware Removal and Protection on the Wordpress Installation (ultimate package)

39:20 Thanks to our AWESOME PATRONS!

40:05 Do NOT play in Podcastsconnect.apple.com as you can really mess up your feed from one place to another.

Best practice is to use a permanent 301 redirect
2nd Best use the iTunes NewFeed Tag

43:50 Podcast Bingo: The Story Behind http://thestorybehindpodcast.com/

48:40 Blue Yeti Microphone - Does it Suck? Dave Purchased One (it does not work with a mixer, so the ATR2100 is a better choice). Check out Dave's Podcaster Kits 

52:30 What Are You Thankful For?


Mentioned on This Show


Randy Cantrell from Leaning Toward Wisdom on Home Gadget Geeks (listen)

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