Fresh back from Podcast Movement 2017, Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and Jim Collison from the Average Guy Network share their thoughts on Podcast Movement 2017

Topics Mentioned

Favorite Take Aways

Meeting Ravi From

All comedians use the same microphone on a comedy night

Ribbon Microphones

17:50 Redirecting your Feed to Anchor is a really bad idea as you are "leaving" your host, and losing all control

Podcast Awards - Well Done To Troy from the Blacklist Exposed

35:35 Would you dump a sponsor to go 100% patreon.

41:45 Blog Talk Radio and Spreaker Merge

45:10 Two USB Microphones into Garage Band

49:31 Backing up your computer. Crash Plan changes their pricing. Backblaze is a good option

Dave is speaking at National Podcast Power event

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