Dave and Jim overcome a hurdle of firetalk.com not recognizing Dave's microphone so prior to this episode there were three "miss-starts". Dave shares a bit about Podcamp Pittsburgh. 

4:00 How Can I Grow My Audience Watch Dave's impromptu Presentation at Podcamp Pittsburgh on Growing Your Podcast Audience

10:50 Tighten Up Your Show

12:00 Feedback from Audience that includes ZZZZZZzzzzzz (mentioned spreakerliveshow.com )

20:40 Stop From Repeating Topics

22:20 Jim's Sponsor (lastpass.com)  Has Signed up For Another Year. 

27:05 Blab.im is Dead and why it died.

36:05 Does Firetalk Record Audio, Video or Both?

37:30 Podfast.us Next February should be a great event. 

40:10 Episode Three of the Messengers Podcast. Binge Listen www.themessengersdoc.com/podcast

43:30 Offline Marketing For Your Podcast stickermule.com

Find Dave at www.schoolofpodcasting.com

Find Jim at www.theavaerageguy.tv

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