How adding stories to football makes me want to watch it more

4:55 Should I join a podcast network?

12:10 Hardware deals from Jim

17:25 a Discussion of OneDrive from Microsoft

mentioned mediafire.com

24:00 Thoughts on relying on your guest to promote your show (from Josh)

Mentioned: Stop Chasing Influencers: The True Path To Building Your Business and Living Your Dream

29:15 SP from the gonnageek.net network shares insights into the Gonna Geek Network.

44:25 Thanks to our awesome supporters

46:25 Dave and Jim will not rap

47:10 What is a good membership tool? You could use Patreon for building a community if you're doing a course I love Thinkific

Find Jim at www.theaverageguy.tv and start your podcast with Dave at www.theschoolofpodcasting.com