Iain Coyle is a British TV presenter, producer and comedian who has worked on TV shows like Big Brother's Big Mouth and Shooting Stars. He is the current comedy commissioner for UKTV and Dave TV.

I got him on the podcast to talk about...


How to get your idea on TV? (and his email address)What the Dave TV audience likes to watch (and why)Why getting something on TV is not always a good thing.The best / worst show he’s ever worked on.Vital info on TV channels tone of voice.How he champions TV show ideas he likes and the process of getting them made.His thoughts on just doing something and sharing it with the world to find an audience for it before approaching TV channels.The TV channels relationship with Dave's Leicester Comedy Festival



This podcast would be useful to anyone who is interested in writing for TV, the best way of contacting a channel or the process that happens behind the scenes in producing shows for television. 


You can stream the podcast here (with show notes) - http://simoncaine.co.uk/ATI/IainCoyle

Or get it on iTunes here - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/ask-the-industry-podcast/id946220937

If you enjoyed it please consider supporting the podcast by becoming a Patron for only $1 (80p) per episode! https://www.patreon.com/AskTheIndustryPodcast 

Please buy a ticket or three to my Edinburgh Fringe 2019 show - https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/simon-caine-every-room-becomes-a-panic-room-when-you-overthink-enough

Or come see me on tour - http://simoncaine.co.uk/PanicRoom


My 2nd book is finally out! It's called "How To Make A Living By Working For Free" and you can buy it here for £5 (digital) or £8 (paperback). Here's the synopsis of the book - 


The book is a how-to guide for artists to create their own online community for their work and how that community can support the artist to become sustainable in every way.

The book takes a critical and in-depth look at the media's perception of "free content" vs the reality of what the general public see it as.

If you're an artist in the modern age who wants a sustainable audience you're no longer just an artist, you're a community leader.


If you'd like to read the first few chapters of the book you can find a PDF version of that here.


Every little bit helps! Alternatively you can support the show by giving it a review in iTunes or just by sharing the episode with a friend or two!




Want more content from me? Why wouldn't you!

Please check out my other podcast - The Audio Time Capsule. In each episode a guest comes on, leaves 20 questions, then a year later comes back on and answers them. I then edit it so they're talking to their past self.

Here are the links -

iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-audio-time-capsule-podcast/id1303205943

Webstream - http://simoncaine.co.uk/AudioTimeCapsulePodcast

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHFZ_FLH1XqrCZysA1nFISw

Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1008996252556647/?ref=br_rs

Twitter - https://twitter.com/audiotimetravel

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