For this week's Ask Science Mike, we address the following questions: What are virtual particles? Why do horror movies stick in my head? What do blind people see in their minds? Why does the sun make me sneeze?
You're in charge of this program. All you have to do is submit a question using #asksciencemike on Twitter, YouTube, or Soundcloud. You can also submit questions anonymously on

What are virtual particles?
A Children’s Picture-book Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
What is a Virtual Particle?
Do virtual particles actually physically exist?
Quantum foam
What do blind people see in their minds?
People blind from birth use visual brain area to improve other senses: Can hear and feel with greater acuity
Visual Cortex Activity in Early and Late Blind People
Activation of the primary visual cortex by Braille reading in blind subjects
Visual cortex activation in blind humans during sound discrimination.
Is It Possible To Think Without Language?
Why does the sun make me sneeze?
Looking at the Sun Can Trigger a Sneeze
Ask Science Mike is made possible by listeners like you. Learn more on our Patreon page. 
Here are some resources on each answer if you'd like to dig deeper.
Preproduction by Andrew Galucki.
Ask Science Mike is produced by Gregg Nordin.
The Ask Science Mike theme song was written, performed, and recorded by Jeb Bodiford. If you need original podcast music, he's your guy.
You've got questions, he's got answers.
Even though we may not understand he'll talk anyway.
You've got problems, he won't solve them,
But he'll talk and talk and talk until he's blue in the face.
Science, faith, and life - Ask Science Mike.

For this week's Ask Science Mike, we address the following questions: What are virtual particles? Why do horror movies stick in my head? What do blind people see in their minds? Why does the sun make me sneeze?

You're in charge of this program. All you have to do is submit a question using #asksciencemike on Twitter, YouTube, or Soundcloud. You can also submit questions anonymously on

What are virtual particles?

A Children’s Picture-book Introduction to Quantum Field Theory

What is a Virtual Particle?

Do virtual particles actually physically exist?

Quantum foam

What do blind people see in their minds?

People blind from birth use visual brain area to improve other senses: Can hear and feel with greater acuity

Visual Cortex Activity in Early and Late Blind People

Activation of the primary visual cortex by Braille reading in blind subjects

Visual cortex activation in blind humans during sound discrimination.

Is It Possible To Think Without Language?

Why does the sun make me sneeze?

Looking at the Sun Can Trigger a Sneeze

Ask Science Mike is made possible by listeners like you. Learn more on our Patreon page

Here are some resources on each answer if you'd like to dig deeper.

Preproduction by Andrew Galucki.

Ask Science Mike is produced by Gregg Nordin.

The Ask Science Mike theme song was written, performed, and recorded by Jeb Bodiford. If you need original podcast music, he's your guy.

You've got questions, he's got answers.

Even though we may not understand he'll talk anyway.

You've got problems, he won't solve them,

But he'll talk and talk and talk until he's blue in the face.

Science, faith, and life - Ask Science Mike.

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