It's time for another little amuse-bouche Patreon preview, but be sure to listen for the VERY special announcement at the top. We think you'll like it, excuse me.

Now, wait a minute...anyone watching on video will have to pardon the darkness at the top of the show. We're just doing a dramatic reveal of Ronna's (& Bryan)'s Halloween costumes for this year, and, trust us, it'll be worth it! See if you can guess what they are before the lights come up (longtime listeners of the show have an advantage here). After the big reveal and a quick catch-up, we're off to the races with some advice on an uncertain and ambiguous relationship and what to do when a good friend has chosen to stop wearing deodorant. It'll be a great way to start your Halloween weekend!

This is just a taste of what's on the menu over on Patreon. Wanna eat the whole meal? Join us on Patreon!

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It's time for another little amuse-bouche Patreon preview, but be sure to listen for the VERY special announcement at the top. We think you'll like it, excuse me.

Now, wait a minute...anyone watching on video will have to pardon the darkness at the top of the show. We're just doing a dramatic reveal of Ronna's (& Bryan)'s Halloween costumes for this year, and, trust us, it'll be worth it! See if you can guess what they are before the lights come up (longtime listeners of the show have an advantage here). After the big reveal and a quick catch-up, we're off to the races with some advice on an uncertain and ambiguous relationship and what to do when a good friend has chosen to stop wearing deodorant. It'll be a great way to start your Halloween weekend!

This is just a taste of what's on the menu over on Patreon. Wanna eat the whole meal? Join us on Patreon!

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