Mike McGrath joins the Ask Noah Show to discuss the changes Red Hat is making in how they make their source code available.
-- During The Show --
00:50 Arch Keyring Fix - Bloominstrong
at the bottom of /etc/pacman.conf
Include "SigLevel = Optional TrustAll" under core and extra
Update the keyring -Sy archlinux-keyring
Confirm each new key
Remove "SigLevel = Optional TrustALL"
run pacman -Syu
03:05 Church Streaming - John
Wired vs WiFi video
OpenLP (https://openlp.org/)
WimpysWorld OBS Portable (https://github.com/wimpysworld/obs-studio-portable)
FreeShow (https://freeshow.app/)
OBS Project (https://obsproject.com/)
Ask Noah Show Ep 341 (https://podcast.asknoahshow.com/341)
Confidence monitor
Stream Deck
Bitfocus (https://bitfocus.io/companion)
vdo.ninja (https://vdo.ninja/)
Scale Engine (https://www.scaleengine.com/)
Own Cast (https://owncast.online/)
10:30 Web Platform? - Brian
Go Hugo (gohugo.io)
12:30 Mumble Caller - JMP.chat & Linphone - Naelr
Setup Linphone with JMP.chat
Send ? in cheogram chat
reset sip
17:58 News Wire
The linux 6.4 kernel has been released (https://lkml.org/lkml/2023/6/25/453)
Intel's new ARC driver in Linux boosts gaming performance by 11% (https://www.tomshardware.com/news/intel-arc-driver-linux-boost)
The Exodia OS team has recently updated their customized arch-based distro for security testing (https://github.com/Exodia-OS)
Proxmox Virtual Environment 8 (https://www.proxmox.com/en/news/press-releases/proxmox-virtual-environment-8-0)
Peazip 9.3 (https://peazip.github.io/changelog.html)
Darktable 4.4 (https://www.darktable.org/2023/06/darktable-4.4.0-released/)
Ardour 7.5 (https://ardour.org/whatsnew.html)
Firewalld 2.0 (https://firewalld.org/2023/06/firewalld-2-0-0-release)
Industry News
GitLab Expands its Open Source Partner Community With the Addition of The Open Group (https://executivebiz.com/2023/06/gitlab-expands-open-source-partner-community-with-addition-of-the-open-group/)
Security News
New Linux based IOT attack campaign (https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/openssh-trojan-campaign-iot-linux/)
AI News
Databricks has agreed to buy MosaicML (https://www.thestack.technology/databricks-to-buy-mosaicml/)
Robin AI - Github PR reviewer (https://github.com/Integral-Healthcare/robin-ai-reviewer)
Hardware News
Dingo - A fully Open Source Robot Dog (https://www.i-programmer.info/news/169-robotics/16402-meet-dingo-your-open-source-four-footed-friend.html)
19:55 Red Hat Interview
Mike McGrath - Vice President of Core Platforms Engineering
Blog Post 1 (https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/furthering-evolution-centos-stream)
Reaction was unexpected, swift, and immediate
Conviction to the GPL
Source code is still available
Surprised more people didn't look at CentOS Stream
Blog Post 2 (https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/red-hats-commitment-open-source-response-gitcentosorg-changes)
Red Hat no longer finds value in "re-builders"
Free as in freedom vs free as in beer
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Red Hat welcome's competition and contribution
Why not start with the second blog post's message?
Timing of the change
Meeting the GPL requirements
Products vs Projects
When did the thought of this start?
CentOS Stream
Things being done in bad faith
Threat to the open source business model
Red Hat has worked hard to make RHEL available for free
What about people using downstream rebuilds in CI pipelines?
No cost RHEL for open source projects (ROSI) (https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/extending-no-cost-red-hat-enterprise-linux-open-source-organizations)
Does Red Hat want to be the "bottom rung of the ladder"?
IBM had zero input
CentOS Stream is critical for RHEL
What is Red Hat selling when they sell RHEL?
What impact will this have on the broader ecosystem?
-- The Extra Credit Section --
For links to the articles and material referenced in this week's episode check out this week's page from our podcast dashboard!
This Episode's Podcast Dashboard (http://podcast.asknoahshow.com/343)
Phone Systems for Ask Noah provided by Voxtelesys (http://www.voxtelesys.com/asknoah)
Join us in our dedicated chatroom #GeekLab:linuxdelta.com on Matrix (https://element.linuxdelta.com/#/room/#geeklab:linuxdelta.com)
-- Stay In Touch --
Find all the resources for this show on the Ask Noah Dashboard
Ask Noah Dashboard (http://www.asknoahshow.com)
Need more help than a radio show can offer? Altispeed provides commercial IT services and they’re excited to offer you a great deal for listening to the Ask Noah Show. Call today and ask about the discount for listeners of the Ask Noah Show!
Altispeed Technologies (http://www.altispeed.com/)
Contact Noah
live [at] asknoahshow.com
-- Twitter --
Noah - Kernellinux (https://twitter.com/kernellinux)
Ask Noah Show (https://twitter.com/asknoahshow)
Altispeed Technologies (https://twitter.com/altispeed)
Special Guest: JT Pennington.

Mike McGrath joins the Ask Noah Show to discuss the changes Red Hat is making in how they make their source code available.

-- During The Show --

00:50 Arch Keyring Fix - Bloominstrong

at the bottom of /etc/pacman.conf
Include "SigLevel = Optional TrustAll" under core and extra
Update the keyring -Sy archlinux-keyring
Confirm each new key
Remove "SigLevel = Optional TrustALL"
run pacman -Syu

03:05 Church Streaming - John

Wired vs WiFi video
WimpysWorld OBS Portable
OBS Project
Ask Noah Show Ep 341
Confidence monitor
Stream Deck
Scale Engine
Own Cast

10:30 Web Platform? - Brian

[Go Hugo](gohugo.io)

12:30 Mumble Caller - JMP.chat & Linphone - Naelr

Setup Linphone with JMP.chat
Send ? in cheogram chat
reset sip

17:58 News Wire

The linux 6.4 kernel has been released
Intel's new ARC driver in Linux boosts gaming performance by 11%

The Exodia OS team has recently updated their customized arch-based distro for security testing


Proxmox Virtual Environment 8
Peazip 9.3
Darktable 4.4
Ardour 7.5
Firewalld 2.0

Industry News

GitLab Expands its Open Source Partner Community With the Addition of The Open Group

Security News

New Linux based IOT attack campaign

AI News

Databricks has agreed to buy MosaicML
Robin AI - Github PR reviewer

Hardware News

Dingo - A fully Open Source Robot Dog

19:55 Red Hat Interview

Mike McGrath - Vice President of Core Platforms Engineering
Blog Post 1
Reaction was unexpected, swift, and immediate
Conviction to the GPL
Source code is still available
Surprised more people didn't look at CentOS Stream
Blog Post 2
Red Hat no longer finds value in "re-builders"
Free as in freedom vs free as in beer
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Red Hat welcome's competition and contribution
Why not start with the second blog post's message?
Timing of the change
Meeting the GPL requirements
Products vs Projects
When did the thought of this start?
CentOS Stream
Things being done in bad faith
Threat to the open source business model
Red Hat has worked hard to make RHEL available for free
What about people using downstream rebuilds in CI pipelines?
No cost RHEL for open source projects (ROSI)
Does Red Hat want to be the "bottom rung of the ladder"?
IBM had zero input
CentOS Stream is critical for RHEL
What is Red Hat selling when they sell RHEL?
What impact will this have on the broader ecosystem?

-- The Extra Credit Section --

For links to the articles and material referenced in this week's episode check out this week's page from our podcast dashboard!

This Episode's Podcast Dashboard

Phone Systems for Ask Noah provided by Voxtelesys

Join us in our dedicated chatroom #GeekLab:linuxdelta.com on Matrix

-- Stay In Touch --

Find all the resources for this show on the Ask Noah Dashboard

Ask Noah Dashboard

Need more help than a radio show can offer? Altispeed provides commercial IT services and they’re excited to offer you a great deal for listening to the Ask Noah Show. Call today and ask about the discount for listeners of the Ask Noah Show!

Altispeed Technologies

Contact Noah

live [at] asknoahshow.com

-- Twitter --

Noah - Kernellinux
Ask Noah Show
Altispeed Technologies

Special Guest: JT Pennington.

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