Morning routines are touted as the secret sauce for success, but with so many opinions, "formulas" and books on the topic, it can be overwhelming.

Today, I walk you through the top 12 morning habits of highly successful people. Then, I'm going to demystify the entire process by sharing MY morning routine and the flexibility I provide myself. (Did  my response to my alarms snooze button freak you out?)

Remember, you shouldn't be a slave to your morning routine- it should serve you!

You can pick up Hal Erod's popular book Miracle Morning HERE*
Pick up the complimentary journal HERE*

Top 12 Ingredients to a Fine Tuned Morning Routine:

Take a cold showerRead empowering affirmationsSeek calm and clarityMeditateConnect with loved onesAvoid checking smartphone for 30-60 minExerciseSet intentionsRead a bookJournalWork on your "frog" taskReview long term goals

*This is an affiliate link and I receive a small portion from Amazon at no added expense to you. Fantastic way to help offset the costs of creating content!