Did you know if you're in a job where you're using your least preferred skills more than 20% of the time You will be unhappy? Just because you are good at something doesn't mean it motivates you. Finding a job that aligns with what will really make your heart sing can be an exhausting challenge. You have to ask yourself all these personal questions and then figure out how to relay them professionally yet personally to a company that you want to work at without over-talking about yourself not to mention that actual career change itself. Phew!  that‘s a lot to do by yourself.  

Gina Riley is a career transition specialist, In today's episode, Gina delves into how she helps leaders and executives to customize their career stories and land the job that will inspire and motivate them.  She also provides an incredible amount of information about how to connect with people, how to reach out to that person you haven't spoken to in 30 years but know they have value.  

If you are struggling in your career or with networking, you don't want to miss this episode!

To reach out or to connect with Gina you can send a personalized connection request to her on Linked in or head over to her website at https://ginarileyconsulting.com/

To find out more about partnering or investing in a multifamily deal schedule a call here https://calendly.com/threekeysinvestments/get-acquainted-call

Download a free e-book on Why Invest in Multifamily at ThreeKeysInvestments.com

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