Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Paula and Jenny abouth their new book 'Weaving Healing Wisdom'. 

Paula Youmell, RN, Wise Woman Nurse®, teaches body, mind, spirit health from the cellular level up, yup, a natural health-biology nerd to assist your weaving wisdom around your body's amazing inner workings. Her passion for real food and earth based, natural medicine will have you walking your path to health with a skip in your step.

Jenny Morrill is a proud public school teacher and Mindfulness Mentor/Trainer specializing in the educational setting.  She loves sharing her expertise to support others as they begin the healing benefits of mindfulness.  She is devoted to helping others settle into their own minds and bodies with steadiness and ease.  It is possible to navigate stress and optimize health using the breath to enhance well-being and presence of mind.  Jenny lives with her daughter and husband in the Foothills of the Adirondacks and is grateful to work in an engaging and caring learning community.  Discover the magic within the struggle and learn more at