Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Dr. AnnMarie Thomas. AnnMarie is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering at the University of St. Thomas. Her teaching and research focus on engineering design, particularly as it relates to PK-12 education. With her students, AnnMarie explores the playful side of engineering exploring topics such as Squishy Circuits, the Engineering of Circus, and toy design. She is the mother of two young makers.  AnnMarie is the author of the recent book Making Makers: Kids, Tools, and the Future of Innovation, a book for parents and other educators—both formal and informal, who are curious about the intersections of learning and making. Through stories, research, and data, it builds the case for why it is crucial to encourage today’s youth to be makers.

this episode Q&A includes: 

• vaginal steams- why are you doing it?

• St. John's wort and St. Joan's wort are the same thing- Hypericum perforatum 

• hypericum used to treat pain that arises from the nerves

• parasitic worms- drugs are usually more effective and less damaging than potent herbs..

• the sexual relationship with yourself is what counts most..

• plants do not contain estrogen, but do contain phytosterols which are precursors to hormones..

• seeds, roots and most leaves contain phytosterols..

• late 40's trying to conceive? vitex, red clover infusion, up the amount of animal fats in diet and petition the soul of unborn child..

• when we are sick it gives our immune system a chance to work..

• mental illness and coping strategies..

• essential oils used in diffuser- most dangerous because they go into lungs and directly into blood..