Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Ellen Evert Hopman. Ellen Evert Hopman lives and works in New England. She teaches a six month Herbal intensive every year near Amherst, MA, October to April. She also teaches and initiates Druids online and in her area of Western MA. She is the author of a number of Celtic herbals including A Druids Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year and A Druids Herbal of Sacred Tree Medicine and of a trilogy of Iron Age novels (The Priestess of the Forest series). See all her books (and order signed copies) at   Visit her on Facebook

this episode Q&A includes:

• energetic ties to people- go through each chakra to release each energy tie. Check out the book 'Herbs of the Spiritual Heart'

• plantain gone to flower can still be made into oil.

• reduce recurrence of breast cancer with herbs and foods- keep your immune system healthy.

• tincture of ginkgo biloba taken on daily basis strongly reduces the occurrence of ovarian cancer.

• lentils and red clover actually contain constituents that change the way genes are expressed in the cell.

• nicotine is a power plant- 3 ways to gain power from a power plant- any power plant can be used to magnify health.

• we build compassion when we love ourselves even we we see ourselves going back to old behaviors.

• make your own homeopathic remedy against the tobacco you consume.

• antibiotics are not to be used for colds and flus.

• yarrow is a powerful febrifuge.

• low milk supply- not always easy to build a nursing relationship- options.

• lots of information on fibroids.
