Susun Weed answers your health questions followed by an informative 30 minute interview with Maida Silverman. Maida was born and has spent her life in New York City. The fantasy of a garden of her own, overrun with fruit trees, nut trees, flowers, berries, vegetables, and herbs has not yet come to pass. Because of this she turned her attention to wild plants that grow in the city and found them rewarding and engrossing.

Herbal medicine in the sidewalk? Yes! Edible, medicinal and useful plants grow in the city as well as the country. With this book--A City Herbal by Maida Silverman--you can locate, identify and learn to use dandelion and clover as well as some more mysterious plants. You will find line drawings for identification; botanical, historical, and magical lore; information on how plants can be frozen, stored and preserved; and wonderful recipes.

this episode Q&A includes:

• astragalus to repel lyme disease..

• ovulation itself is damaging to a women's body and the role of birth control pills..

• breast cancer, breast tissue, progesterone and estradiol..

• personality disorder/ depression- medication can be an ally too..

• I am not okay, you are not okay and that is okay..

• liver, hormones and cholesterol- stinging nettle and red clover infusion..

• nettle helps every organ system..

• celery seed tea and uric acid..

• multiple cesareans- rotating nettle and red raspberry..

• releasing fear..