Today's question is about Pix4Dcapture.

Our caller for today, Chris thinks that Pix4Dcapture is a "piece of garbage". Somehow, he is unable to load a Pix4Dcapture mission to his drone, a Mavic 2 Pro. Now considering that we are swear by Pix4Dcapture, Chris wants to know why this mapping software is running into glitches.

Well, Paul shares some basic mistakes that Chris is making which are causing him all these issues. Next, we dive a bit deeper to reveal why Pix4D is the gold standard of drone mapping software. We also love Maps Made Easy, and share how this compares to Pix4Dcapture. We hope you enjoy this show. Tune in now!

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Today's question is about Pix4Dcapture
Can I build a mapping business with the Mavic 2 Pro?
Does Pix4Dcapture work with Mavic 2 Pro?
Is Pix4D the gold standard of drone mapping?
How does Maps Made Easy compare to Pix4D?
Where is Chris possibly going wrong?

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